Contact Us

Please note that this form should be used for informational questions only as it may take several days to receive a response from us. If you need to make an appointment please call (831) 460-2550 and leave a message for a specific therapist. Thank you.

3060 Valencia Avenue Suites 6 and 7
Aptos, CA, 95003
United States




Our therapists are relationship specialists who treat people who are involved in and affected by interpersonal relationships. They are trained to assess, diagnose and treat individuals, couples, families and children to achieve more adequate, satisfying and productive marriage, family, social and spiritual adjustment.

Areas where our therapists may be of help:

Premarital counseling/Marriage therapy

Child behavior problems

Emotional stresses or anxiety

Feelings of loneliness or isolation/Depression/Moodiness

Post-trauma stress

Unexplained fatigue/Unusual eating patterns

Excessive drug or alcohol use

Family conflict or tension/Divorce or separation/Healing from an affair  

Life transitions

Fear, anger or guilt/Grief or emotional pain

Spiritual and personal growth/Spiritual woundedness



If you plan on using health insurance or employee assistance to help pay for the cost of therapy, it is always helpful to call the toll-free number on the back of your card to verify coverage and co-pay amounts. Each therapist at Relational Resources operates their own private practice, thus some of our therapists are in-network with insurance companies, while others are fully out-of-network. Here is a list of our therapists who do contract with specific insurance plans:

Jan Wright x12: Anthem Blue Cross, Anthem EAP, Blue Shield of CA, Magellan Behavioral Health, MHN, MediCal, Beacon Health Options.

Debbie Barber x19: MediCal/Beacon

Maribel Madrigal x10: United Health Care, Cigna, Aetna, UMT, Oscar, All Savers UHC, Harvard Pilgrim, Meritain, Nipon


All contact with our therapists will remain completely confidential unless you give written permission to discuss your situation with another party. Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us.

To Make an Appointment:

Each therapist at Relational Resources operates his or her own individual private practice. As such, they set their fee scales and contract with insurance companies and employee assistance programs individually. If you are referred to or are familiar with an individual therapist, please call (831) 460-2550, dial extension 2 for a therapist directory (or see here for a list of therapist extensions) and schedule with them directly. Or, please see our staff bios if you would like to learn more about the various therapists and their specialties.

The following therapists offer sliding scale slots:

  • Jan Wright x12

  • Debbie Bates, x16

  • Debbie Barber, x19